Champions for Children: Don Maxey

Champions for Children: Don Maxey image


raised towards $50,000 goal



Days Left


After 30 years in the building supply industry, Don moved to St. Simons to pursue his dream of owning a local produce market. Over the past 12 years, he has expanded the store to include an eclectic mix of artisan foods, gifts, boutique wines, and home décor products. "Our local market aims to reach our customers with products that are valued by our unique beach community and, in turn, provide an outlet for local farms and vendors to sell their products."

When he opened Uncle Don's Local Market, his goal was always to serve his community and give back, both with his time and through donations to the many worthy causes in the area. He has supported numerous community fundraisers each year with gift baskets and monetary contributions. This year, he answered the call to participate in Champions for Children because he believes every child deserves a chance to thrive, regardless of their circumstances, and he values the mission of Safe Harbor and its ability to achieve these goals.

Be sure to check out Uncle Don’s fundraising event, Shamrockin' Eve, a special St. Patrick’s Day-themed dinner at Delaney’s. Enjoy a four-course St. Patrick's Themed dinner at one of St. Simons Island’s finest restaurants, all in support of Champions for Children! Purchase tickets below!

Uncle Don's Local Market